Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blue= Private building (Classrooms and Lab rooms, Private greenhouses )
Pink= Semiprivate (Cafeteria, Auditorium, Gallery, Library )
Red=  Public  Building (Public Greenhouse, gift shop, Public Cafe )
Orange= Bridges (connections between the buildings )
Bathrooms and Offices with in every building

From my hybrid model i came with the concept of  three triangular shape massing that are connected by bridges. I separated the program with i three different buildings. Private/ Semiprivate/ Public .

Monday, October 26, 2015

Hybrid Model

 In my Hybrid model I combined both the concept of confusion and moving light.

Concept Models

This concept model represents the movement of pages from a open book.

Concept Models

This concept model is based on my program collage. The model represents the movement of the branches and leaves of a tree.

Concept Models

In this model I tried to show the movement and colors of light in the city during the night. Colorful lights give things a sense of life and activity.

Concept Models

This concept model is based on my 2nd collage. When it comes to the words active/alive I imagine people running. I used the movements of the legs and the moving of the joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans to create the shapes of this model.

Concept Models

In my second collage I use the movement of light to represent the words active/alive. This concept model shows the difference between moving lights and non-moving lights. The non-moving lights are more visible while the moving light fade away.

Concept Models

My second concept model is also based on my 1st collage (site collage). In this concept model I try to show the contrast between open space and close space to represent how hidden the site is.

Concept Models

This concept model was based on my site collage. This model represents confusion. By intertwining different size triangles I attempted on creating the feeling of confusion.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


In this collage I try to represent what's my program about. The books represent that its a educational facility (University of environment science). The tree in the glass sphere shows that it involves the environment. The glass sphere also represents a greenhouse which I'm planning in incorporating in the facility.

   Correction for collage 3


For the second collage I chose the word alive/active. Whenever i think about those words, the lights of the city during the night are the first thing that i think about. The lights give the feeling that the city is alive. The word active makes me thing of people running or doing some type of outdoor activity.


In this collage I wanted to show the feelings I experienced while visiting the site. It was a very hot day, the more we walked the hotter the day got. The site was kind of hidden and it was enclosed by high buildings. I go to see the site through a wire fence by the High Line and that made me feel disoriented because i didn't know exactly where the site was located.   

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1. Which building typology you are researching?

I’m researching Educational facilities (colleges, academies, universities) that specialize in environmental science. I'm also researching greenhouses

2. Why are you researching this building typology?

The location of the site intertwines with The High Line and because of this the concept of environment caught my attention. The High Line exhibits different types of gardens and the juxtaposition between the plants and the buildings surrounding the site helped me find what typology i wanted to research.

3. What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research?

Environmental Science universities

4. What are the examples that you will be researching… list the examples

  • California Academy of Sciences / Renzo Piano
  • Thomas Heatherwick greenhouse
  • The tropical greenhouse – Yume No Shima
  • The Botanical Garden in Curitiba        

5. What are you goals for working with this building type?

To design a building that promote awareness about the environment and creates   green spaces open for the public.