Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1. Which building typology you are researching?

I’m researching Educational facilities (colleges, academies, universities) that specialize in environmental science. I'm also researching greenhouses

2. Why are you researching this building typology?

The location of the site intertwines with The High Line and because of this the concept of environment caught my attention. The High Line exhibits different types of gardens and the juxtaposition between the plants and the buildings surrounding the site helped me find what typology i wanted to research.

3. What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research?

Environmental Science universities

4. What are the examples that you will be researching… list the examples

  • California Academy of Sciences / Renzo Piano
  • Thomas Heatherwick greenhouse
  • The tropical greenhouse – Yume No Shima
  • The Botanical Garden in Curitiba        

5. What are you goals for working with this building type?

To design a building that promote awareness about the environment and creates   green spaces open for the public.


  1. Will there be classes? What level? Can you show some images of these examples?

  2. Few new suggestions for the examples that you can research:
    - The Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre, Renzo Piano (it serves as school also)
    - Green School in Bali

  3. Hi Deny, I am happy to be involved with your project this semester and am looking forward to collaborating with you on this project!

    I am confused a little bit with the answers to questions #1 and #3 and I think they could use some clarification to help set up the discussion of your project. I think what you mean is that your typology is an educational building and your specialty is a space dedicated to environmental science.

    For I me there is a distinction between an environmentally designed space with an educational sub-component (I think of an arboretum, botanical garden, etc.) vs. an educational space with an environmental science sub-component. To me, the former seems to become a passive sort of education about the environment - yes, I can walk around and read the little signs in front of nicely trimmed plants but what am I really learning about the environment? The latter excites me with the possibilities. I am imagining a setting where you are completely immersed in the environment and its systems and where the primary purpose is a deep education about them...You will have to define what you want your position to be and begin developing your facts/project to defend it.

    For Q #2 - I'm not buying your answer yet (its early, don't worry) and I really want to challenge you to ask why. Also, from your answer, it isn't clear what site you have chosen - site #1 or #2? You stated the location of the site is what triggered you interest in an environmental science type building but why? What specifically caused you to pick the building type? Because it is in an urban Manhattan context? Is the site in terrible condition/polluted?

    For Q #5 - I'm 100% with you on the goal but I want you to set a harder one for yourself to achieve. If I break your stated goal down all it would be is: one, create green space open to the public, and two, raise awareness of the environment. Both of those are easy to achieve especially since "awareness" is so fluffy and subjective. Is this "awareness" where the educational aspect is coming from? How does awareness turn into action? Develop a goal that you don't know the answer to yet and which you can investigate an answer to over the semester.

    As you go forward through the semester some questions I am looking forward to hearing answers to are:

    How is the building/architecture/site/garden addressing the educational aspect of the typology you have chosen? Asked a different way, what is the architecture doing to create opportunities for education about the environment?

    How do you imagine what you are designing to create a discussion in the neighborhood/city about the environment science?

    Both sites open to the Hudson River, how will you or won't you address that? How will it influence your project?

    How will your project relate to the Highline project? Will it complement or contrast with it? Will it be a new "node" on it?

    Good luck with the site analysis and I look forward to seeing what you and your group comes up with!
